National Security agencies, including CISA, NSA and FBI publish an Alert to MSPs against Supply Chain Attacks

The Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence alliance warns managed service providers (MSPs) and their customers around increasing supply chain attacks.

Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence alliance is composed of the cybersecurity and law enforcement agencies NCSC-UK, ACSC, CCCS, NCSC-NZ, CISA, NSA, FBI . 

Today the alliance issued Alert (AA22-131A) regarding an increase of malicious cyber activity targeting managed service providers (MSPs).

The alert provides general guidelines to both the MSP and their customers, for mitigating the risks.

The Cybersecurity authorities expect malicious bad actors, including state-sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) groups, to specifically target MSPs in order to exploit the network trust relationships between provider and customer.

One of the scenarios (recently seen in the real world) is that of threat actors successfully compromising an MSP, to then infect both the MSP and the Customer base with ransomware and cyber espionage.

The CISA Alert